Name of the Student Gender MaleFemale Date of Birth (Please send us a copy of the Birth Certificate) Father's / Mother's / Guardian's Name Contact Number / Numbers Current Location Email What is your highest achievement in Badminton so far? (You may give details) your message here … Level of Proficiency BeginnersProspectsIntermediateAdvancedElite Do you have any physical injuries / ailments that we should keep in mind while training you? your message here … Class in which studying presently Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIGraduation 1st YearGraduation 2nd YearGraduation 3rd YearGraduation 4th YearPost Graduation 4th YearNot Applicable Are you seeking admission in Modern English School? YesNo Do you need Accommodation facility? Yes, I wish to avail accommodation facility arranged by the School/AcaemyNo, I will make my own arrangementsNot Applicable as I live in Guwahati You may make your own arrangement for food. We may assist you in getting the right contact Yes, I understand. I will make my own arrangement for foodNo, I request that Academy may make fooding arrangements alsoNot Applicable as I live in Guwahati For how many persons are you seeking Accommodation for? OneTwoThreeFourFiveSixNot Applicable Kindly deposit an 'Expression of Interest (EoI)' fees of Rs.5000 to the school. This amount will be adjusted with your monthly fees when the batch is ascertained for you. (Please mention the receipt number below) Kindly Submit the required documents for admission in the school (Choose your option from the dropdown menu below) Okay, I have deposited the Eol money and I will submit all documents as required by the schoolOkay, I have deposited the Eol money but I am not seeking admission in the schoolIt is confirmed that I will take admission but I will deposti the EOL money shortly How did you hear about our Academy? (you may tick on multiple check boxes) Modern English School TeachersWord of MouthFliersMES Social MediaBannersRadio JinglesNewspaperTelevisionBadminton CoachDBA Social MediaMES Web SiteDBA Web Site